Tony Abbott is a Good Man

Someone was telling me that the Coalition Government is being run like the Catholic Church. It’s men in all the important positions. Abbott is like the Pope, his rule is absolute apart from the unseen deity who is in charge of all, Credlin. Who is God.

“What’s so bad about that?” I wanted to know. ‘After all, the Pope is usually a good man apart from that one  in the 13th Century, who was a woman. And what’s wrong with someone working behind the scene to make all the decisions? Surely you wouldn’t want ministers making decisions all by themselves. After all, Pyne was too busy to read the Gonski report. I’m sure that he’s not the only one who doesn’t have a clue about his portfolio.”

“You’re not suggesting that Tony Abbott is a good man,” he scoffed, in that monstrous way that the Left do. They presume that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is pure evil.

“Tony IS a good man!” I countered, using the tried and true method of argument, where if you assert something loudly enough, it must be true. Repetition is always a good way of making something true. So I said it again, “Tony is a good man. He was going to be a priest, wasn’t he?”

“So why DIDN’T he become a priest?” snorted my adversary. “What’s the story there?”

“I don’t know. but whatever, it’s ancient history. You wouldn’t get the Liberals dragging up events about Labor politicians from twenty years ago.”

“What about Julia Gillard?”

“That’s not the point. Just the other day, Tony showed what a good father he was, by telling us how much he enjoyed smacking his girls.”

“And what about that ‘suppository of wisdom’ comment? Or his ‘quantum’ of money, instead of ‘quantity’?”

“Look we’re discussing his goodness, not his intelligence!”

My opponent smirked and walked off. So I tried to find examples of Tony’s goodness for the next time I saw this person.

There are plenty, of course, but I managed to find these with just a simple google search. Who needs a faster NBN? I don’t, and if I don’t, I can’t see how anyone would.

For example when asked if he agreed with Labor’s aim to halve homelessness by 2020, he used the Bible to respond.:”The poor will always be with us.” I don’t know if this is the official policy, but it certainly demonstrates where Tony Abbott’s heart is.

He also used Jesus when talking about asylum seekers.

Jesus knew that there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia.”

A person quoting Jesus can’t be evil, can they? And if you have any doubt, just yesterday he reminded us which side the government was on:

”I think there’s every chance that we can keep Toyota but the level of assistance that Toyota can expect is roughly the same level of assistance that they have previously received,” he said. He said General Motors’ decision to pull out in 2017 reinforced the importance of reducing the tax and regulatory burden for business, and increasing productivity. ”On all three, the government is on the side of the angels,” he said.

Read more:

And it’s not as if sees the Labor party as somehow beyond redemption. Shortly after being elected, he demonstrated that he was prepared to forgive them for denying him his rightful place as Prime Minister, where they foolishly clung to the notion that just because they had enough votes in the House of Representatives, that somehow gave them the right to install Julia Gillard as PM.

“If the Labor Party persists in saying, ‘Yes, we support the carbon tax’, they will effectively be saying ‘No’ to the people of Australia,” Mr Abbott said.

“The people of Australia understandably want lower cost of living, and they want more secure jobs. This bill gives them both.

“That’s why the pressure on the Labor Party in the end not to oppose this bill I believe will be irresistible.

“We are giving the Labor Party a chance to repent of its massive breach of faith with the Australian people in the last Parliament,” he added.

So we have a man who is on the “side of angels”, who quotes the Bible, and offers people the chance to repent, even providing character references for priests charged with sexual abuse, but still people are complaining about his Government’s broken promises and secrecy. He’s not just fit to be Prime Minister, he’s fit to be Pope. It’s really a shame he ever went into politics, he’d be much better suited as priest.

Categories: Rossleigh

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25 replies

  1. And THAT is religion for you.

  2. They presume that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is pure evil.


  3. Hey Dan, since I’ve been “exposed” the other day, I’m trying to be fairer and more balanced. Fair and Right, isn’t that Fox’s motto? No, sorry, that may have been Hitler Youth. Fox is “Fair and Balanced”

  4. One thing for sure, Tony Abbott thinks he can walk on water!

  5. Tony must be a good man. He knows a lot about God stuff. See the following examples from his speech at the IPA birthday bash.

    “In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve could do almost as they pleased but freedom turned out to have its limits and its abuses, as this foundational story makes only too clear. Yet without freedom we can hardly be human; hardly be worthy of creation in the image of God.”


    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is the foundation of our justice. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” is the foundation of our mercy. Faith has weakened but not, I’m pleased to say, this high mindedness which faith helped to spawn and which the IPA now helps to protect and to promote. “

    While we have the IPA protecting us and Tony leading us we will be safe from the depravity of any form of social justice or equity.

  6. Another “good- ???” idiot using religion to endorse his evilness. A pity this idiot is ruling our country! Though he does not represent me and many others like me. He is indeed “good “for lining the pockets of his rich mates at our expense. He is indeed “good” for taking away everything that should make our lives more equitable. He is indeed “good” at lying to us. Thanks Ross for reminding us about his “goodness”. I for one can do very well without such “goodness”

  7. I have a Christmas question for anyone who voted for this government.

    Did you get what you were told you were going to get?

  8. Cassilva48.
    You reminded me of that joke. Julia Gillard walks across Lake Burley Griffin. Murdoch headlines: GILLARD CANT SWIM!

  9. Good luck, Rob. I haven’t come across a single Abbott voter that can answer a straightforward question!

  10. I believe that there IS a story we should hear about Abbott’s departure from the Seminary.
    On another matter, don’t be too harsh on Peta, she is doing the work of 36 men.

  11. But, I can probably give you the answer of the typical Liberal troll: “Yes, they told us that they wouldn’t be Labor and they’re not and now they have to fix up all Labor’s mistakes so they can’t be blamed for breaking promises because they had no idea what a mess things were in”
    Do not point out that this inconsistent with their “budget emergency” and “worst government ever” rhetoric! That will only lead to them calling you nasty names.

  12. What’s wrong with religion Peter F, this is what’s wrong with it
    If only people freed themselves from their beliefs in all kinds of Ormuzds, Brahmas, Sabbaoths, and their incarnation as Krishnas and Christs, from beliefs in Paradises and Hells, in reincarnations and resurrections, from belief in the interference of the Gods in the external affairs of the universe, and above all, if they freed themselves from belief in the infallibility of all the various Vedas, Bibles, Gospels, Tripitakas, Korans, and the like, and also freed themselves from blind belief in a variety of scientific teachings about infinitely small atoms and molecules and in all the infinitely great and infinitely remote worlds, their movements and origin, as well as from faith in the infallibility of the scientific law to which humanity is at present subjected: the historic law, the economic laws, the law of struggle and survival, and so on – if people only freed themselves from this terrible accumulation of futile exercises of our lower capacities of mind and memory called the “Sciences”, and from the innumerable divisions of all sorts of histories, anthropologies, homiletics, bacteriologics, jurisprudences, cosmographies, strategies – their name is legion – and freed themselves from all this harmful, stupefying ballast – the simple law of love, natural to man, accessible to all and solving all questions and perplexities, would of itself become clear and obligatory.
    Leonid Tolstoy

  13. <


    Not bad.

    If I could just take a little liberty and get you to try this next time :

    "Tony .. repeat .. Tony …. hesitate …. is a good …. repeat … good man".

    If you do this while talking (interview) to someone the conversation (interview) will soon be at an end.

    Practice with a metronome …. hesitate ….. and you will soon get good …. repeat …. good at it.

    People will think you are a bit of a dummy.

    But the last couple of words will be stuck in their ear ( An earworm is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing).

  14. Awesome article. Thanks

  15. cassilva48

    Thanks for the Tolstoy quote. Should we love the bully, namely Abbott? Love needs the heart to show, in order to get up and going. It’s very hard to love a guy like Abbott when all you see is cruelty and madness.
    One has to hate, to get a handle on it. I dont think he deserves “the good man” label but from the religious angle he probably does.

    Was anyone else concerned with Shorten trotting off on the same Govt. jet as Abbott, to front the Mandela Memorial? Well that is what it looked like. All Tony would have been interested in was hobnobbing, being seen and the fact that Mandela was once a boxer. Shorten would have been genuine though. The two Jesuits together huh? Why are there so many RCs in government at present? Is it because they can be corrupt and bad as pollies and then confess? Terrible worry all this. At least Tolstoy once walked the earth, and his writings live on.

  16. The only thing Abbott has in common with a priest is that they both prefer to have people down on their knees.

  17. Kaye Lee, I thought that the IPA approach to ethics was “Do others before they do you.” However I am sure that the Abbott would not see the difference.

  18. Of course Abbott’s government is on the side of angels – given the scope and comprehension of their policies for Australia – all can be stacked upon the head of a pin.

  19. Malamuddy

    “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” is the foundation of our mercy

    unless your neighbour is a refugee in which case we will be issuing them with ankle bracelets and warning the local authorities that there is a terrorist roaming the streets.

  20. Thanks for your satirical article.
    It is very interesting in that I have asked the question several times of Abbott supporters what has he done that has been positive. I have only had one response which did not touch the question. Really, who would be able in any honesty to put a positive slant on whats occurred over the last 100+ days by the Abbott gang.

  21. Abbott and Morrison are anything but religious , biggest hippocrites out. I feel we have been invaded by a Nazi cult and too many are already sucked in! Religious – Never. Evil – yes.

  22. Remember when the Catholic Church fought for social justice and the Liarbril party wouldn’t have a bar of Catholics?
    Interesting world ,eh?

  23. Where’s Julia Gillard when we need her. >>The best leader this country ever had. > >To/ and Rinehart/ > > >Stop writing crap, the truth can’t be that hard. ………

  24. A Source, thanks for that clip. Compare the poise and honesty and dignity of our former PM with what we are stuck with now. Makes me want to cry.

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